The nervous system is the control center of all body systems. If the psyche is stressed, the body is stressed, and this creates self perpetuating cycle. So what can we do?
The nervous system is the control center of all body systems. If the psyche is stressed, the body is stressed, and this creates self perpetuating cycle. So what can we do?
We have the power to shift the way we connect with stress. Of course, our natural systems are set up to be in react-mode - BUT - we can rewire that system by disrupting or distracting the patterned (limbic, ie: the reptilian mind) loops. Here are some of my favorite methods for disruption and distraction …
The nervous system is the control center of all body systems. If the psyche is stressed, the body is stressed, and this creates self perpetuating cycle. So what can we do?
The limbic system is the primitive or reptilian brain in humans, often called the ‘emotional brain.’ It controls emotions, memories, arousal, and behavioral responses, especially survival responses. It makes up the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the fight, flight, or freeze response to any perceived threat…